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April 21, 2013

Two important words

Copyblogger isn't nonprofit-focused, but we can still learn a thing or two from there to apply to our world.  This post is about two very important words:
  • you
  • because
Let's start with the word you.  The fundraising community talks a lot about being "donor-centered;" that means making it all about your donors.

So instead of "We removed 600 pounds of trash from the river this year," write "Thanks to your donations, 600 pounds of trash were removed from the river this year."  Use "you" and "your," instead of "we" and "our." 

On to because.  In one chapter of Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive, the study about cutting in line for a copy machine is discussed.

In this study, when a stranger asked someone if he or she could cut in line, 60% of people agreed.  When he/she added, "...because I'm in a rush," the number of cooperators grew to 94%!  So powerful is the word "because" that even when the reason given was "...because I have to make copies," (what a weak reason—of course you're there to make copies) the percentage was still 93%!

You need to explain, clearly, what your organization does (thanks to its fabulous, kind, generous, caring, wonderful donors).  But don't tell, show—make it jump off the page and pull your donors' heartstrings.

Write about your donors, give them a compelling "because," and they will support your cause.

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